Tuesday 29 April 2014


Music has the power to cause emotions to well up within us. These feelings are gripping - often irresistible - and seem to emerge from nowhere. These feelings colour our moods, affect our perceptions and generate a behavioural pattern. The indisputable fact about music is its power to evoke emotions. Is there anyone, for whom, music is completely emotional - neutral? Music has the ability to inevitably tap the still, mysterious deep well of our emotions.” Jayashri Ramnath 

“Music makes the world sing in harmony. It can heal, uplift, help force someone to stand on their own two feet and praise the heavens above. It can unite and give power to those who feel weak, while allowing others to speak when their voices cannot be heard. It gives sight to those who cannot see and allows freedom to those imprisoned by their own hate, through a simple rhyme it's the most magnificent and magical form of expression known. Enjoyed by billions in all different languages and shared by all ages, without the hindrance of race, creed, color or ethnicity. It's often said music comes from the heart and the power of it can even help to heal.” by JP Shaw 

“Music is what brings us peace. Music is what is a part of us in all areas of our lives. There is music in motion pictures, there is music at weddings, funerals, and while we are driving to work. There is music in the operating room, some doctors like to do surgery listening to country, rock, easy listening and classical, it clears their mind and helps them to focus…[Andie Anderson] 
“…Music defines us as human beings to enjoy music for pure enjoyment and to feel emotion in our day to day lives. Primitive tribes through the ages have created music for enjoyment, as a gift to their religious beliefs, and for protection. During the Civil War we had fifers and drum players to improve morale amongst the soldiers. Native Americans played music to appease their spirits and affect the nature around them…It has been determined that music helps handicapped individuals to relax and concentrate. Autistic children and adults can achieve a calmness with sounds around them. The elderly can live their lives in long term care with less depression and illness due to pleasant music being played…[Andie Anderson] 

“…Children and adults with attention deficit disorder can get their work done faster with music played that they can appreciate. Law enforcement have found that if they play Classical music on loudspeakers in neighborhoods that have high crime rates, that the violence is downgraded in some strange way. Music creates a unified body of people at the beginning of sports and events where for instance, the national anthem is played and everyone sings in unison in respect, it commands pride and respect and emotion. [Andie Anderson] 
“...Music is very important in our lives, we may not appreciate 'Rap' or 'Ska' or 'Heavy Metal' but groups like Run DMC and Aerosmith have banded together in the past and with their different sounds have created popular music that two groups of sounds merged into one and were accepted. Mettalica, known for its head-banging sounds has done a version of Bob Seger's 'Turn the Page' which is profoundly moving. Another one of my favorites is Neil Young's 'Old Man' which has emotional lyrics and sound as well and Neil Young is usually known for his shouting. (Andie Anderson) 
“If the governments world-wide would introduce more music appreciation in their schools, their students would excell, and grades would improve, and lives would be enriched and futures changed for our youth as well as for our world.” (Andie Anderson)

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